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Showing posts from April, 2017

10 Things You Must Do In Your 20’s

Filipino Motivational Speaker 1. Travel alone. Have time to be away from everything. Rediscover your purpose in life by going to places you’ve never been before. Explore new things, experience different cultures, learn new languages and meet different people. Replenish your soul with excitement and exploration. It will create many opportunities for you, and room for improvement and personal growth. Traveling alone will teach you how to become independent and confident. 2. Look for your true self. This is the perfect time to make your passion your profession. Chase your dreams; follow where your heart wants to go. Do things that make you feel happy. Never settle for good enough, be the best version of yourself. Look for your purpose. Along the way, you will discover things that will clearly define you as a person. Embrace this. And let success flow; everything else will follow. 3. Cut the clutter. Choose and keep the right people in your life. Associate with people who